What languages are you publishing the books?

Our first book will be published in Mandarin Pinyin/English and Korean/English. We look forward to expanding into other languages based on demand. Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Tagalog!? Who knows!? Please let us know what languages you would like to see!

Are you going to release an English only version?

Yes, preorder now! Starting to ship in November 2024!

Is Anna (the author) really a psychologist?

Yes! Anna received her Masters and PhD in Clinical Psychology from Rosemead School of Psychology and is licensed with the Board of Psychology. She is a full-time practicing therapist who has experience at multiple university counseling centers, a government-funded community mental health center, an intensive outpatient hospital program, and an outpatient group clinic. She also works as an adjunct psychology professor teaching online undergraduate students.

When are you going to release the book?

Our goal is to launch our book and begin shipping at the end of September.

How much is it going to cost?

We are aiming to sell it for $16.99.

Where are you going to sell the book?

You can buy our book on our website, Amazon, Instagram, TikTok Shop and at local fairs.

Are you accepting pre-orders?

Yes! We are now accepting pre-orders in our shop!

Are you planning on selling anything else?

Anna is hard at work writing more books. We also plan on selling stickers and other merch. If you have any ideas or feedback for us, we would love to know!